artist market reports

Robust Reports with Insightful Analysis

Art Auction Analytics’s detailed artist reports give you the level of detail you would expect from an analyst report for any other financial investment.

Our comprehensive reports include:

  • An in-depth review of the artist’s AMV along with the key drivers, risks, and five years of historical performance.
  • A thorough review of each KPM underlying the AMV and the relevant effects on the AMV.
  • An analysis of the artist’s underlying sales at auction including volatility, lots sold by price range, and performance against pre-sale estimates.
  • Market comparables with comparative data on how an artist has performed against artists of the same movement and market.
  • Trending and KPM analysis to indicate estimates of future value.

Reports can be purchased for internal use or on behalf of clients who would like information about a specific artist.


See for Yourself the Power of our Artist Reports

  • Receive a sample report containing a full analysis of our subject artist;
  • Access actionable data on both the artist and the art market; and
  • See how we view the future performance of that artist.

in-depth reports analyzing our metrics

Options to Match Your Needs

There are three different report types available depending upon the level of analysis you need.

Summary Reports

Two-page reports with a snapshot of the current AMV and KPMs of an artist.

Standard Reports

Reports that include the detail in the Summary Report with an additional five years of historical analysis of the artist’s AMV and KPMs, sales data, and market comparables.

Custom Reports

Reports where you define the parameters of a report.  For example, a comparison of a number of artists, or insights into emerging artists with limited history.